Are We Heading into Civilizational Scale Change by 2100?

The case that over the entire life of Generation Z we will go through a transformation that will end in a new and better civilization

Peter Leyden
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2020


Why 2100? Why tell the story of America’s future from 2020 to 2050 from the perspective of a person in 2100? The main reason I did that in writing this series was so I could set up this final story in the initial 6-part series, the one that talks about civilizational change.

If you flat out tell someone today that what’s really happening around us is the early stages of building a new civilization — they might think you are crazy. Yet if you could somehow talk to someone in 2100 today, they probably would say that the world went through civilizational-scale change throughout the entire 21st century as it evolved to deal with climate change and other unprecedented challenges.

I wind up this series by having Stuart Rand, the Gen Z character at the end of his life in 2100, tell that story of the civilization that we all will build. I make the case that The Transformation of our lifetimes will rival The Enlightenment of the 18th century, the time of the founders of the United States, the last time we watched a new civilization emerge.

All the mega-innovations of The Enlightenment defined how the world operated for the last few centuries: mechanical engines, carbon energies, industrial production, financial capitalism, representative democracy, and nation states.

All of these will be superseded by parallel mega-innovations over the course of The Transformation: digital computers, clean energies, biological production, sustainable capitalism, digital democracy and global governance.

At least that’s what I envision will happen this century, starting with the critical period we all now face, the years 2020 to 2050, the make or break years.

Read this final story over the break and think about the civilization change that lies ahead and could bring about a better world. For that matter you can read all five installments of the interview with Stuart Rand in 2100 in order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

This final story and the entire series is the perfect way to begin 2021 with a sense of optimism and hope.

Peter Leyden
Author of the Medium series: The Transformation
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Host of The AI Age Begins event series. Founder of Reinvent Futures, a strategic foresight firm. Thought leader on the future via keynote speaking & writing.